Thursday, December 22, 2016

Will Absolute Power Corrupt Trump And The Other One Percenters Absolutely?

Welcome friends!

I know I usually do a special holiday post this time of year but I’m hardly in the mood with darkness, ignorance, and ugliness on the ascendency everywhere in the world including my beloved homeland the USA.  My heart is just too heavy this year to do anything light and amusing.  Well, no more light and amusing than when I try to get all weighty and serious anyway.  Instead, I thought I’d take yet another whack at something that’s been on my mind a lot lately: the rather remarkable divergence in how many liberals and conservatives perceive the motley collection of inexperienced (in terms of national policy) billionaires and millionaires president-elect Trump has assembled to head up his administration.  To put things in a nutshell for those who haven’t been reading the papers recently (which I would understand well enough) Trump’s team raises all manner of red flags for many liberals but seems to be viewed as a welcome breath of fresh air by most conservatives.  I suppose it mirrors the reactions of the two camps to the roughly similar issue of the potential conflicts of interest of the One-Percent President himself.  Liberals are very concerned.  Conservatives can’t fathom why.  It got me thinking I should delve into the origin of this obviously quite fundamental difference in perspectives yet again.  Hey, anything worth saying once is worth saying twice or however many times I’ve said it now.  How many times did president-elect Trump lie about President Obama being unable to produce his birth certificate?  At least I’m sincerely trying to be truthful and helpful.

Being a lifelong liberal myself and probably typical of the breed in certain respects I suppose I can speak to that side of the issue so let’s just do a little overview of how things look from the first floor of my modest ivory house if one wants to think of it that way.  After that I’ll move on to the more challenging portion of the exercise and try to imagine how conservatives must see things.  Then I’ll wrap up with a few issue that make it very difficult or I suppose if I’m being honest pretty much impossible for me to fully understand the conservative perspective in the hope that some conservative might read it one day and explain it in print, in which case I can do the whole exercise again but presumably with a much improved take on the conservative perspective... Sorry but only selected archived (previous year) posts are currently available full text on this website.  All posts including this one are available in my annual anthology ebook series available at the Amazon Kindle Bookstore for a nominal fee.  Hey, we all need to make a buck somehow, right?  If you find my timeless jewels of wisdom amusing or perhaps even amusingly irritating throw me a bone now and then.  Thank you my friends!