Welcome friends!
If you follow my blog at all you’ll know one of my recurring themes is the shortcomings and manifold confusing bits of neoclassical economic theory and more specifically the way that theory can be used by the intellectually challenged or unscrupulous to push a conservative economic agenda while avoiding talking about the real issues. A short while ago I mentioned an author who I feel has expressed a critique of economic theory that corresponds very closely to my own thoughts on the matter: Hansel Krankepantzen. Indeed, I couldn’t have said it better myself. As a public service I thought I’d include a little plug for his books and video.
Mr. Krankepantzen’s latest and best work in my opinion is the very concise and accessible What’s Wrong with Economic Theory. The title says it all in typically straightforward and laconic style. It’s available in ebook format in the Amazon Kindle and Barnes and Noble Nook bookstores for a small fee. You can also listen to the podcast version for free on SoundCloud and iTunes Podcasts. That work seems basically an improved, edited, and simplified version of an earlier work entitled What A Crock: Economic Theory and Distributional Issues, which is still available and also interesting if you want a more extensive but somewhat rambling presentation of pretty much the same issues. There’s also a video version of that earlier work available free of charge on You Tube under the same title but with the word explained tacked on to the end. Not going to win any awards for cinematography that’s for sure but the ideas are what’s important to me so I don’t really mind about that.
A.L. Humanist