Friday, June 3, 2016

Beauty Queen Injures the Majesty of the Sultan of Turkey

Welcome friends!

So difficult to avoid talking about Trumpo the Clown every week isn’t it?  I don’t think we’ve ever had a presidential candidate like him before in the history of the US.  I don’t mean that in a good way.  Did you catch the recent story about one of his business ventures, “Trump University,” being the subject of some sort of court case?  Past employees have been in the papers calling it nothing but a big money making scam.  I guess his billions just isn’t enough for him.  Well, he has needs I guess; like anyone else but more so.  Conservatives crack me up sometimes.  Hey, we found a scheming money grubbing fast talking con man!  That’s who we want to be President of the US!  He’s one of us!  But they’re not alone.  I thought they might be but no the North Korean government was just in the news writing an opinion piece characterizing Mr. Trump as “wise” and “far-sighted.”  Ha ha ha!  How’s that for a funny image?  American conservatives marching arm in arm with Kim Jong Un and his minions to elect Donald Trump President of the USA.  It’s a funny world sometimes isn’t it?  But you know I said last time I wasn’t going to be pulled into Trump’s “all eyes on me” media strategy so I’m determined not to take the bait.  Instead I thought I’d talk about some funny stories I’ve been reading recently about the Sultan of Turkey Recep Erdogan.  Wait a minute.  Did I use the correct title?  I have a vague memory of someone trying to make Turkey a modern secular democracy early in the last century.  I think it was Mustafa Kemal Ataturk wasn’t it?  Maybe I’d better look up the correct title before I go any further.  Hey, what do you know?  The correct term is actually president.  President of Turkey.  That’s funny, right?  Just like the USA.  Not!  Anyway, seems President Erdogan has been running about charging all manner of people with “insulting” him, which as one might imagine is no laughing matter in Turkey.

Yes, Turkey is one of the handful of countries that still have what they call lèse majesté laws... Sorry but only selected archived (previous year) posts are currently available full text on this website.  All posts including this one are available in my annual anthology ebook series available at the Amazon Kindle Bookstore for a nominal fee.  Hey, we all need to make a buck somehow, right?  If you find my timeless jewels of wisdom amusing or perhaps even amusingly irritating throw me a bone now and then.  Thank you my friends!