Thursday, November 13, 2014

Republicans Ascendant

Welcome friends!

Well, we’ve gotten another election out of the way here in the US.  This one was a particularly ugly and disheartening one for liberals and humanists alike as Americans handed control of the US Congress back to the social and economic conservatives of the Republican Party.  In honor of the inauspicious occasion I thought I might take a moment to assess where we are and what it all means.  Two questions spring to mind: What might we expect to see from the Republicans in the next couple of years?  What does the Republican victory tell us about the likely future tenor of politics here in the US over the next few years?

With respect to the first question I think it makes the most sense to look at the issues the Republicans have been doing the most talking about recently.  On that basis I suppose the primary objective of the new Republican Congress will be to get the US into an assuredly quite expensive and most likely rather dubious ground war in Syria.  .. Sorry but only selected archived (previous year) posts are currently available full text on this website.  All posts including this one are available in my annual anthology ebook series available at the Amazon Kindle Bookstore for a nominal fee.  Hey, we all need to make a buck somehow, right?  If you find my timeless jewels of wisdom amusing or perhaps even amusingly irritating throw me a bone now and then.  Thank you my friends!